7 ways to convert your shipping container

If you could have any kind of space, what would you choose?

Imagine having your own space dedicated to anything you like. A place you can go at a moment’s notice, to zone in or zone out. Somewhere that’s yours, designed for you alone.

It could be a furnished office space. Or maybe it’s a cocktail bar, a studio, or a workshop. A place for you to explore a passion or project, get work done in peace or even entertain friends and relax.

Maybe you’d prefer something open, like a home office. Or maybe you don’t want something for you at all, maybe you want a business location, like a cafe or restaurant. Then you could make some money from your space. It could be underground, elevated or right there in your back garden.

And what if we made you realise that you could have this space, that it’s within your means and available to you?

Would you be interested?

Here is a selection of our favourite container conversion ideas:


Minimalistic home

Here is one such space as envisioned by Apple’s director of store design. A minimalistic home consisting of two elevated, open-sided containers.


Multi-storey office block

This impressive feat of engineering is called the Hammerbrooklyn Digital Campus and is located in Hamburg, Germany. Designed to promote technology and entrepreneurship, this ingenious bit of architecture does so superbly.


Changing rooms + Diving Platforms

Demonstrating the versatility of containers and the fun that can be had with a little imagination, this water sports facility in Korsor, Denmark acts as both a changing room and a diving tower!


Bar and Restaurant

Located in the heart of Tokyo, the Schmatz is an awesome example of how container conversions can be used for commercial purposes. Serving beer and food to patrons, it’s an idea that has gone down well with the locals.


Garage and workshop

Illustrating how container conversions can become a cost-effective and environmentally friendly workshop or garage. Dedicate some time to your passion, project, or operate a repairs service from the premises – whatever you can think of.


Swimming pool

We’ve all imagined ourselves having a back garden swimming pool…this particular conversion design makes it possible at a lower price. Situated in the Noosa Hinterlands, Australia, this 40ft container swimming pool demonstrates how luxurious these conversions have the potential to be.


Travel services

The possibilities really are endless; just check out this container configuration from the Netherlands named the Barneveld Noord. This setup is part of a campaign called ‘pleasant waiting’ and functions as a railway station.



We hope these examples have stimulated your imagination. Because here at RFB, we specialise in converting our products into whatever design you want. Whether you want an office space, a home or even a private cinema, we can create something just for you.

Speak with our conversions team today.












Angus Barraclough

Kind regards
Angus Barraclough | Managing Director